On Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
is a body of ageless wisdom that helps us understand life and the
cosmos. It demonstrates the underlying unity of all great religions
when they are stripped of their superstitions and dogmas. It offers a
philosophy of life that enables individuals to integrate the material,
emotional, mental, social, moral and spiritual aspects of living.
The term Theosophy comes the Greek words theos which means "divine," and sophia which means "wisdom." It is a wisdom that is derived from transcendent insights into nature.
Theosophical Society, founded in 1875, reintroduced the principles of
the ageless wisdom to the public, particularly to the western world.
The Society itself has no doctrine or dogma, but encourages its members
to pursue truth without fear. It encourages members and students to
live their lives according to such insights.
P. Blavatsky
Steel Olcott
The principal founders of the
Theosophical Society are Helena P. Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott.
From New York, the headquarters of the Society moved to Chenna (former
Madras), India, in 1882. Blavatsky was a prolific writer. Her most
important work was The Secret Doctrine, a 2-volume synthesis of religion, science and philosophy.
Theosophical Society is now in more than 60 countries around the world
and is engaged in a wide variety of programs and activities that seek
bring about a better understanding among people and the alleviation of
suffering in the world.
The Theosophical Society in
the Philippines was formally established in 1933, although theosophical
lodges already existed in the 1920s. Aside from the branches in the
various major cities in the Philippines, it is engaged in education,
publication, book distribution, social service, peace work,
interreligious dialogue and other programs.
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