The Philippine Theosophical Bookshop imports and distributes books on
- theosophy,
- spirituality
- comparative religion
- meditation
- mysticism
- parapsychology
- psychology
- others
We also carry special book sets such as:
Collected Works of Gandhi, 102 volumes
Collected Writings of Helena P. Blavatsky, 15 volumes
Sacred Books of the East, 50 volumes
We also accept special orders.
For inquiries, you may call up the Bookshop Manager at (02)741-5740 for
availability of titles that you may be looking for. Special orders can
be entertained.
Philippine Theosophical Bookstore, 1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines Tel. (63-2)741-5740; Fax 740-3751; Email: