Theosophical Digest

A quarterly publication on the ageless wisdom, spirituality, meditation, comparative religion, science, character building, education and the art of living

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Sample articles in the
Theosophical Digest:

The Art of Meditation
On Education
Near-Death Experiences, Far Death Attitudes
When is a Person in Good Mental Health
Strategies for Stress
Creating a Beautiful Personality
Unlock the Joy of Music
Trust Yourself to Life
How to Find Joy in Your Job
The Nature and Relevance of Calmness
Thought Power
Krishnamurti on Educators and Education
Sufism: An Overview
What is God?
Slow Down and Live Longer
The Practice of Meditation
One Life: A Theosophical View of the Global Challenge
Joyfulness on the Spiritual Path
Jerome: A Controversial Pioneer in Bible Translation
What is Shamanism?
Telepathy May Be Child’s Play
Symbolism as a Guide to Transformation
H. P. Blavatsky and Contemporary Science
Why I am a Vegetarian
Gross National Happiness as Measurement of Development
The Way to Happiness
How to Talk so Kids Can Learn
Letters to a Dying Friend
Expressing Love and Care
Hesychasm: A Christian Path of Transcendence
Meditation is Medication
Intuitive Intelligence
Zen According to Alan Watts
The Sufi Mystic Rabi’a
Integral Yoga: The Concept of Harmonious and Creative Living
A Study in Karma
A Life Remembered
Why Music Affects Us
Asteroids, Comets and the Earth: On a Collision Course?
Dark Night of the Soul
The Universal Message of the Koran
Yoga and Prana
The Process of Self-Transformation
The Inner God
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Gandhi: A Picture of the Simple Life
Suicides and the After Death States
Gandhi’s Philosophy and Sufi Doctrine
Why Do We Not Remember Our Past Lives?
An Interview with a Christian Zen Practitioner
The Cloning and Genetic Engineering Debate
The Little Flower: St. Therese of Lisieux
Reincarnation as Taught by the Early Christians
Ethics: the Basis of Theosophy

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Theosophical Publishing House
1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines
+63 2 741-5740

