Table of Contents

  • Interpersonal Relationship: How to Build Personal Trust
  • Personal Growth: 21 Days To a Habit
  • Interpersonal Relationships: Three Simple Keys to Friendliness
  • Personal Growth: What You See Is What You Get
  • Health and Healing: Health Tips
  • Parenting: Self-Awareness: An Important Key to Parenting
  • Personal Relationship: If You Must Criticize
  • Personal Effectiveness: Stand Tall and Feel Confident
  • Global Peace: How Can You Volunteer?
  • Ecology: Eco-Action Beyond Band-Aids
  • Inner Peace: Coping With Mid-Life Crisis
  • Personal Excellence: Hope and Performance
  • Marital Harmony: How to Disagree Healthily
  • Relaxation: Focal Point Technique of Relaxing
  • Inner Peace: Three Guidelines for Periods of High Stress
  • Interreligious Understanding: Attend the Service of a Different Religion
  • Home Tips: Taking Action
  • Home Tips: Nontoxic Alternatives for Your Home
  • Health and Healing: Laughter in the Morning
  • Inner Peace: How to Cope with Boredom
  • Ecology: 10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth
  • Poem: Anyway
  • Resources: Peace Quotes


How to Build Personal Trust

A report issued by the Forum Corporation shows that humility helps build trust with colleagues.

By admitting doubt or error and acknowledging mistakes, managers were felt to be competent. Co-workers thought,” I can trust you. You won’t try to bluff me.”

The report also found that those who were rated highly trustworthy were also rated highly competent. And that to build trust, you must be seen as a collaborator, not a competitor.

Source: Leaders, Allstate Insurance Company, condensed in Communication Briefings, 700 Black House Pike, Suite 108, Blackwood, NJ 08012, U.S.A.

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21 Days To a Habit

Experts have discovered that if you repeat an action every day for 21 days, it will become a part of your subconscious mind. Hence if you wish your child to develop a habit, help him to sustain the behavior for three weeks. Be patient. After that, he will find that he is doing it automatically.

Source: Parents Make the Difference!, P.O. Box 7474, Fairfax Station, VA 22039-7474, U.S.A.

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Three Simple Keys to Friendliness

Teach your children simple reminders on how to be friendly and effective in dealing with people.

First, ask them what are the three key words they learned in order to cross streets safely (Stop, Look and Listen).

Tell them that there is another simple three-word phrase that will help them to be automatically friendly and well liked. It is “Smile, Ask, and Listen.”

A smile brightens the day for those who give and receive it.
A question gets conversations started and lets the other person know you are interested in him or her.
Genuine listening helps you learn about and know someone, and shows him or her that you care.
Make “Smile, Ask and Listen” your family motto for this month. Exemplify it to your children and talk with them about it at every opportunity.

Source: Linda and Richard Eyre, Teaching Your Children Values. Simon & Schuster, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY, U.S.A.

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What You See Is What You Get

Author Jane Nelson, in Positive Discipline, says:

When you spend 85 percent of your time and energy focusing on the 15 percent that is negative, the negative will grow and the positive will disappear. What you see is what you get. If you focus 85% of your time on the positive, it won’t be long before the negative disappears and the positive will grow to 100%.

Source: Jane Nelsen, Positive Discipline. Ballantine Books, Random House Inc., New York.

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Health Tips

Here are some health tips from Dr. Susan Smith Jones:

Vegetarians are on the average thinner than non-vegetarians, despite greater caloric intake, and have greater sex drive. Eating more vegetables and less meat increases one’s energy and vitality.
Lonely people have higher levels of cholesterol.
Developing a sense of intimacy can enhance our health, our well-being, even our survival.
People with good social contacts tend to have lower blood cholesterol level and better immune functions.
Eating a vegetable-rich diet does not necessarily raise your intake of pesticide residues. The pesticide content of fruits and vegetables is well below that of meat, which comes from animals raised on pesticide-sprayed crops. To minimize your intake of potential toxins, buy organic produce.
Susan Smith Jones, Choose to Live Each Day Fully, Celestial Arts Publishing, P.O. Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707, U.S.A.

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Self-Awareness: An Important Key to Parenting

Our attitudes and conditioned behavior often determine our responses to our children and their problems. For example, when we are bothered by a problem in the office, we may not notice that we are unintentionally being rude or inconsiderate to our children at home. When we react in anger towards a misbehavior of our children, we tend to be more violent (whether physically or by words) towards them. Self-awareness of our feelings at all times will help prevent unintended behavior which can harm your children.

Here are simple steps towards self-awareness:

While you are reading this, breathe in and out deeply. As you do so, notice whether your body is tense or relaxed, such as your arms, neck, hands, abdomen, etc. As you breathe out, notice whether your body is spontaneously relaxing itself while you are aware. Do not be anxious to relax yourself. Just be aware.
Be aware of your feelings as you continue your breathing. Again, do not be anxious to change any of your feelings. Just be aware. If you are angry, be aware of the anger without judging or justifying it.
Then try to be aware of your thinking – your motives, preferences, attitudes, etc. at this moment. (This may need more privacy and silence.) Again, do not judge or justify, that is, avoid saying that it is right or wrong, good or bad. Awareness is just awareness.
Notice any difference between your state now and a few minutes ago. Without trying to change anything, did you become more relaxed and calm?

Try to enter into this state of calmness as often as you can, no matter what you are doing.

When dealing with children from this state of calmness, our responses and decisions tend to be wiser and less impulsive. We acquire greater patience and understanding. We tend to be better listeners when we are aware.

Self-awareness works extremely well not only with our children, but also with our spouse, officemates, and friends. Try it.

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If You Must Criticize

Effective criticism and feedback is a delicate art. When poorly done, criticism will only cause resentment and the person criticized will tend to be defensive and justify his or her actions. Here are some suggestions for giving criticism or feedback:

See yourself as a teacher or coach – as being helpful. Keep in mind that you’re trying to help someone improve.
Show you care. Express your sincere concern about sharing ways the other person can boost his or her success.
Pick the right moment to offer criticism. Make sure the person has not been shaken by some incident.
Avoid telling people they “should do such and such” or “should have done such and such.” “Shoulds” make you appear rigid and pedantic.
Avoid giving the impression that you’re more concerned with seeing your recommendations put into practice than in helping the other person improve.
Show how the person will benefit from taking the actions you suggest.
Give specific suggestions. Being vague might only make the situation worse by creating anxiety and doubt. Be sure you can take criticism yourself. If not, you may not be perceived as a credible source.
Source: Jane Boucher, How to Love the Job You Hate. Thomas Nelson Publishers, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214, U.S.A. Condensed in Communication Briefings, 700 Black House Pike, Suite 108, Blackwood, NJ 08012, U.S.A.

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Stand Tall and Feel Confident

Lacking self-confidence?

You may wish to look at your habitual posture. Do you slouch? Bow your head down? Curl your shoulders forward? Sit in knots?

If so, then here is a simple thing you can do to improve your self-esteem: Stand Tall.

Says Catherine E. Rollins, author of 52 Ways to Build Your Self-esteem and Confidence:

“This observation holds true regardless of age, sex, race, physical stature, or beauty: The person with high esteem stands up straight, sits tall, and walks with boldness

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. The person with low self-esteem slouches, slinks, bows his head down, curls his shoulders forward, and frequently sits in knots.”

If you decide to build your self-confidence, make a second decision: I’m going to “move tall” this day forward. Shoulders back and head up. A bold stride. A square-to-the-world attitude .Not only will you gain self-confidence. Here are other benefits:

You will feel better physically.
You will feel better psychologically. Stand tall sends a signal to your brain that will soon make you thinking tall.
Others will treat you with more respect. They are less likely to put you down. Think “tall and straight” today!
Source: Catherine E. Rollins, 52 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem and Confidence. Thomas Nelson, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee.

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How Can You Volunteer?

Many readers of Peace Ideas want to be involved in some cause that they feel worthwhile, but don’t know how to start. Here are some suggestions adapted from Richard Zimmerman’s book What Can I Do to Make A Difference?:

Choose an issue. Identify what issue concerns you most. It may be on peace, drugs, media, ecology, animal welfare, etc. Once you have chosen, stick to it in a sustained way.
Think of what you can do. It is important to remember that you can help, no matter how overwhelming the issue is.
Realize that you can make a difference. If your concern for example is illiteracy, arranging for tutoring of a few people is already part of the total national solution. If you focus on what you can do, you will be more confident that you can make a difference.
Contact organizations. Identify organizations which you may like to work with. Ask around or make phone calls. Peace Ideas occasionally lists organizations who are involved in volunteer work.
Source: Richard Zimmerman, What Can I Do To Make A Difference? Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson St., New York, NY

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Eco-Action Beyond Band-Aids

If you wish to be really helpful and effective in environmental work, there are two guidelines suggested by author Jon Naar which you must always keep in mind:

Go to the root of the problem. Go beyond the symptoms (such as cleaning the dirt of coal smokestack) and go to the cause (burning coal) and eliminating it (by switching to clean fuel, or using conservation to make power plant unnecessary.
Be prepared to make changes. The health of a system depends on its ability to change. So long as a biological, political or energy system responds to its environment, it stays healthy – otherwise, it gets sick, that is, it pollutes. If we want clean air, clean water, safe food or accountable politics, we have to remove the underlying causes of the pollution. This means changing unhealthy systems and institutions and, in so doing, we will change ourselves. Like charity, the process of protecting and cleaning up the environment begins at home.
Source: Jon Naar, Design for a Livable Planet. Harper & Row, 10 East 53rd St., New York, NY, 10022, U.S.A.

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Coping With Mid-Life Crisis

Mid-life crisis can take many forms, such as boredom, restlessness, discontent with work, family or leisure, feeling old and negative, directionlessness, sense of futility, fear of death, loneliness, etc.

Here are suggestions by Dr. S. C. Chopra on how to cope with such crisis:

Create a map of your life. On a sheet of paper, write “Birth” at the top and “Age 10” at the bottom. Make an additional separate sheet for each of the ten-year period of your life: 11-20, 21-30, and so on up to the present. On these sheets, write the events that have been important in your life so far, or events that you predict will be important in the future, and the goals you would like to achieve. Put red X’s beside the various turning points in you life, such as job changes, marriage, or death of a parent. This map will help you gain perspective on your life courses. Keep it up-to-date, including changes in your goals. The crisis of middle age can be relieved and transformed into a healthy concern for creating a meaningful life.
List the people who are important to you. Promise yourself that you will give high priority to doing what is necessary to honor and strength-en your relationships with them.
Try to celebrate mid-life events in ways that will help you feel their significance. Make a ritual or a symbolic gesture of letting go of the past and welcoming the future.
Make some friends who are five or ten years older than you. Observe how they cope with mid-life transition, and talk to them about their feelings and strategies.
Allow the initial stressful impact of the crisis to wear off before you worry that it will overwhelm you permanently.
Use the crisis to motivate you to pursue a better diet and exercise program. The fear of aging and death can be a powerful stimulus for people to value their health.
Give primary concern to nutrition at middle age.
Consider whether this is the time when you are ready for more philosophy, religion or some other source of meaning.
Develop the habit of letting go graciously, such as unattainable ambitions, friends, vanities, etc.
Cope with it your way. It is your life and crisis, and no one else’s. Create your own timetable. Talk to other people, read books, but evolve your own approaches.
Source: Dr. S.C. Chopra, How to Solve Your Personal Problems. S.S. Mubaruk & Brothers Pte. Ltd., 2 Kallarg Avenue, 02-07 Kallang Bahru Complex, Singapore.

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Hope and Performance

Psychologists are now finding that hope can do more than just offer solace or consolation. It can make a difference in one’s performance.

In a study made by psychologist C. R. Snyder of the University of Kansas, it was found that students who scored high in hope performed better in college than those who did well in the SAT or Scholastic Achievement Test, which is very similar to an IQ test.

According to Snyder, “students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work hard to attain them. When you compare students of equivalent intellectual aptitude on their academic achievements, what sets them apart is hope.”

Daniel Goleman writes that “hope plays a surprisingly potent role in life,” offering an advantage in realms as diverse as school achievement and bearing up in onerous jobs. . . . Having hope means that one will not give in to overwhelming anxiety, a defeatist attitude, or depression in the face of difficult challenges or setbacks. Indeed, people who are hopeful evidence less depression than others as they maneuver through life in pursuit of their goals, are less anxious in general, and have fewer emotional distresses.

Source: Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036, U.S.A.

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How to Disagree Healthily

Marriages are often broken when either or both parties lack certain emotional competencies that can prevent the erosion of the relationship especially during times of conflict. Daniel Goleman, in his book Emotional Intelligence, suggests three skills that can be useful and which can overcome the negativities that can destroy marriages:

Being able to calm down, as well as calm your partner.
Empathy, or the capacity to feel with the other person.
Listening well, not just to the words but to the nonverbal messages as well.
Source: Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036, U.S.A.

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Focal Point Technique of Relaxing

Here is a common meditation technique that induces relaxation response in the body.

Find privacy and sit in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes and choose a center of focus. This is a word or phrase that helps shift your mind from logical, externally-oriented thought to an internal, passive center of focus and stops the mind wandering when it occurs. The most common focal point is a word such as “one,” “calm,” or “relax.” A short phrase can also be used such as “relax and be at peace.” Many people like to use words or phrases that have a spiritual or religious meaning.
People who are very visual find it useful to develop a secondary focal point in the form of a mental image that forms a background for the use of the word or phrase chosen. Examples include a mental image of a calm lake or a religious figure. If they keep their eyes open, it can be a candle, statue.
Repeat your word or phrase each time you exhale. Adopt a passive attitude. Your mind will occasionally slip away from its concentration on the word you have chosen. When this happens, don’t panic or abandon your practice. It is normal. Redirect your mind to your breathing and continue repeating the word as you exhale.
Do this for 10 or 20 minutes then open your eyes and resume your normal activities.
Source: Reneau Z. Peurifoy, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic. Warner Books Inc. 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A.

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Three Guidelines for Periods of High Stress

Everyone faces times when stress is high. It may triggered by an unusual event or a crisis, such as a critical illness of a loved one or losing one’s job. Or it may be due to many normal events that happen all at the same time. Here are guidelines as suggested by psychologist Reneau Peurifoy that you may find useful in coping with high stress:

Set priorities and reduce your overall activity. Since stress drains energy, you have less energy during times of high stress. Choose which ones are important. Ask, “what really needs to be done now? What can I let go of until some other time?”
Spend extra time with decisions. The greater the stress, the more likely it is that you will make poor decisions. If possible, avoid major decisions during times of high stress. But if you have to decide, do two things: First, take more time to make the decision. Second, consult with people you trust and who are objective. They may see problems that you did not think of due to the stress.
Plan ahead and take action during times when stress is low. Often, you know ahead of time when a period of high stress is coming, such as when a large increase of work is expected. Plan ahead and make decisions in advance to lessen the pressure later.
Source: Reneau Z. Peurifoy, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic. Warner Books Inc. 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A.

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Attend the Service of a Different Religion

Do something different this week, and here is a suggestion by Dr. Alan Epstein that can make a difference.

Attend a church service of a different religion. If you are a Catholic, look for a Jewish or Baptist service. If you are a Buddhist, try a Christian or Islamic prayer meeting. Look for Baha’i meetings, or a Korean Presbyterian church. Just tell the members of the congregation that you practice another faith, and would like to sit and observe their service. They will likely welcome you.
While you are there, try to see the similarities between your faith and the one you are visiting. Be aware also of the differences. Is the spirit of the service and the people the same as your own faith’s?
Reflect upon the fact that people everywhere are committing atrocities in the name of their particular faith, and have done so for thousands of years. See if you can come up with one way you can help bridge the gap between faiths, to help people understand that they are more alike than they are different.
Thank the minister, priest, rabbi, or whoever was in charge of the service, and invite him or her to your house of worship as your personal guest. Just be careful that they do not misinterpret that you went there in order to win them to your own faith. Be sincere in your offer for friendship.
Source: Alan Epstein, Ph.D., How to Be Happier Day by Day. Viking Penguin, Penguin Books, Inc., 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, U.S.A.

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Taking Action

Substitute natural products for moth balls. Commercial moth ball products emit hazardous fumes and contain hazardous contents. Natural moth repellants are available in various stores and through catalogs. Most often they contain cedar chips or shavings, or are simply small blocks of cedar. However, if you want to make your own repellant, combine one-half pound each of rosemary and mint, one-quarter pound of thyme, and two tablespoons of cloves. Place a portion of this mixture in a cloth, tie it at the top, and place it with your stored clothes.

Source: North American Conference on Religion and Ecology. The Mother Earth Handbook, edited by Judith S. Scherff, The Continuum Publishing Company, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

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Nontoxic Alternatives for Your Home

Following is a list of substitutes for products that are hazardous.

Rodent poison – seal all holes with fine grade steel wool, use mouse traps.

Insect repellent – two teaspoons of liquid soap per gallon of water use pure soap.

Garden herbicides, insecticides, fungicides – many nontoxic garden insecticides are now available check with your local garden store.

Drain cleaners – commercial bacteria is now available for keeping drains open, or, use boiling water, plunger, metal snake.

Oven cleaners – steel wool and washing soda with small amount of water.

Toilet cleaners – scrub with brush using powdered soap and scouring powder of baking soda, borax, or table salt.

Silver polishes – rub with paste of baking soda and water.

Furniture polishes – damp cloth and rub with soft dry cloth.

General cleansers – mix two teaspoons borax and one teaspoon soda in one quart water. Store in spray bottle.

Window cleaners – vinegar and water

Laundry bleach – one-half cup borax per wash load

Dyes – use vegetable dyes such as onion skins, teas, marigolds

Motor oil, brake and transmission fluid – (dispose of at recycling center)

Antifreeze – place directly in sewer Car batteries (take to recycling center)

Old, lead paints – use water-based (latex) paint, do not use aerosol sprays

Source: Most suggestions are from Greenpeace Action giveaway, “Everyone’s Guide to Toxins in the Home.” The Mother Earth Handbook, edited by Judith S. Scherff, The Continuum Publishing Company, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

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Laughter in the Morning

Here is a way of improving your immune system: A hearty laughter every day, and a healthy degree of emotional detachment.

Dr. Susan Smith Jones suggests this exercise:

Every morning for the next week, when you wake up, let the very first thing you do before anything else – before thinking about your day, before going to the bathroom, even before getting out of bed – is to laugh for at least thirty seconds.

Commit to doing it for seven days in a row and see for yourself what a difference it will make. If you live with other people, encourage them to do the same thing.

Susan Smith Jones, Choose to Live Each Day Fully, Celestial Arts Publishing, P.O. Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707, U.S.A.

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How to Cope with Boredom

Boredom may not seem like a serious problem, but when it is not handled in time it may become a danger and lead the person to depression, recklessness or unwise risk-taking. Here are some steps to deal with boredom:

Enhance your sense of self-worth by doing something that has meaning for you and developing your good feelings about yourself.
Be creative. In a sense, you cure yourself of boredom by unbalancing your life. Give up the security of the way things are. Grope for a chance at increasing your sense of wholeness.
Sometimes boredom is the result of poor physical condition, inadequate diet, or lack of exercise. Do active physical exercise.
Take responsibility for shifting your attention from the thing that bores you to something more engaging. Use your memory to re-enjoy pleasant or stimulating past events.
If you anticipate a boring wait, plan ahead: take along a book, crossword puzzles, needlepoint, etc.
Boredom sometimes signals an important life transition. You must seriously think about what you really want to do.
Clarify your life goals and short term goals, and set a timetable to pursue them.
Create space in which to have fun and to be spontaneous.
Source: Dr. S.C. Chopra, How to Solve Your Personal Problems. S.S. Mubaruk & Brothers Pte. Ltd. 2 Kallarg Avenue, 02-07 Kallang Bahru Complex, Singapore

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10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth

Take showers of five minutes or less instead of bath. This saves water and energy.
Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth or shaving. This saves water and energy.
Keep your refrigerator between 38o to 40oF and freezers between 0o and 5oF. Use warm or cold water cycle when washing clothes. All these steps save water and energy.
Use cloth diapers. Disposables, while convenient, take 500 years to decompose and consume an incredible amount of resources to manufacture.
Request paper bags or cartoon at your grocery store and re-use them. Better yet, bring your own canvas or string when you shop.
Don’t use styrofoam. It is absolutely non-biodegradable, and is deadly to marine life.
Use a low phosphate or phosphate-free detergent. Phosphates are a leading cause of dead lakes and streams.
Use steel-belted radial tires whenever possible and keep them inflated to the recommended pressure.
Tune up your car at the recommended intervals. This saves gas and reduce air pollution.
Use “low flow” shower heads to conserve water and energy.
We Only Have 10 Years To Save Our Planet. It Starts With You and It’s Easy.
Buy Environmentally Sound Product.
Pressure Political Leaders.
Turn Off Lights.
Car Pool.
Source: From a leaflet of the Rotary Club of Makati Dasmari¤as, Makati City, Philippines

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People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,
What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight,
People really need help but may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth,
From a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the Children’s home in Calcutta.

Source: Mother Teresa: A Simple Path, compiled by Lucinda Vardey, Ballantine Books, New York, NY 10022 U.S.A.

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Peace Quotes

The Greatest Disease

“The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty – it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There’s a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.” – MOTHER TERESA
A Lesson from Women

Gandhi once declared that it was his wife who unwittingly taught him the effectiveness of nonviolence. Who better than women should know that battles can be won without resort to physical strength? Who better than we should know all the power that resides in noncooperation? – BARBARA DEMING
I never kill a bird or other animal without feeling bad inside. All true hunters must have that feeling that prevents them from killing just for killing’s sake. There is no fun in just destroying life, and the Great Spirit puts that shadow in your heart when you destroy his creatures. – JOE FRIDAY, WOODS CREE INDIAN
Two-thirds of All Governments spend more to guard their populations against military attack than against all the enemies of good health, while according to some estimates 70% of people die from preventable diseases. – Housmans Peace Diary
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Prepared by:
Peace Center
Theosophical Society in the Philippines