You can study theosophy for free at your own time by enrolling in the correspondence course on Basic Theosophy.

Here are the simple steps that you need to do:

1. Fill up the Course Registration Form and attach it to an email to You will receive an acknowledgment with the name and email address of the tutor who will guide you in your studies.

2. Read or download the Course Guideline that will outline the instructions on how to proceed with the course.

Lessons and Resources

Here are your downloadable resources that you will need in your course:

Additional Online Books and References:

  • Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky
  • The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant
  • At the Feet of the Master by J

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  • Light on the Path by Mabel Collins
  • Karmaby Annie Besant
  • Esoteric Christianity by Annie Besant
  • The Masters and the Pathby Charles W. Leadbeater