Self-Transformation Series:
Issue No. 30

The Power of Perseverance

Table of Contents

I. Why Important

II. Perseverance and Its Applications

III. Developing Perseverance

    1. Clarify Your Values
    2. Regularly Reaffirm Your Goal
    3. Create Greater Leverage That Will Increase Your Motivation
    4. Develop the Habit of Finishing What You Started
    5. Be Aware of Your Fears
    6. Make a Timeframe for Attaining The goal
    7. Stick Closely to your Timeframe
    8. Realize that There is No Failure

I. Why Important

Perseverance is perhaps the most important key to success in any endeavor. It can replace deficiencies in talent. While this is widely acknowledged, not many people seem to have developed this important ingredient in their life.

II. Perseverance and Its Applications

Perseverance is persistence in the pursuit of an end or in an enterprise undertaken in spite of difficulties, opposition or discouragement. It means being able to handle one's reaction to difficulties, and not get carried away by such emotions or reactions:

    1. Career or Life Work
    2. Building Wholesome Relationship
    3. Self-Development, Maturity and Spiritual Perfection

III. Developing Perseverance

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Copyright 1995. Permission to reprint is granted provided acknowledgment is made to:
Peace Center
Theosophical Society in the Philippines, 1 Iba St., Quezon City, Philippines

"If five percent of the people work for peace, there will be peace."