Nurturing Intuition
I. Why Important
Intuition, as a complement to reason, is a valuable tool in decision making.
Its development is accompanied by increase in maturity in attitude, outlook
and self-control. One becomes more effective in one's work and relationship.
It is an entrance to the higher life.
II. Not Substitute for Reasoning
It is important to emphasize that intuition is not a substitute for reasoning.
Reasoning has its place, but intuition is a superior synthesizer of facts,
situations and principles. Reasoning and intuition must be complementary.
Example: in buying a computer, evaluate rationally the quality and
specification of the computer rather than try to feel whether it is a good
computer or not. Seek your intuition on other factors which cannot be
evaluated by known facts, such as the reliability of the seller, the timing
of the purchase, etc.
III. Removing Obstacles to Intuition
In awakening intuition, we must be clear that we are using a different faculty
from reasoning or feeling. A first prerequisite is inner awareness of our
feeling and thinking such as attitudes, opinions, fears, likes and dislikes,
biases, etc. Non-awareness may delude us into thinking that we are intuitive
when we are not.
- Learn how to look without opinion or reaction.
Can you look at things in a detached manner? That is, see it first as it is
without judging or evaluating. It may be a book or a stranger. This is an
exercise to enable you to distinguish between perception and reaction. We
perceive first, and then we react. Oftentimes, the two go together so quickly
that we cannot distinguish the perception from the reaction. As a result, we
are also caught in pre-judgments and biases.
- Be aware of biases and conditioned tendencies.
You may think something is true because you really want it to be true. For
instance, you don't want to believe that a person is capable of dishonesty,
therefore you subconsciously justify acts that are already suspicious. You
may have a subconscious dislike of people with certain features, such as
males with earrings, or with mustache, or people of another religion or race.
As a result, you already make a pre-judgment that may be wrong or unfair.
You may have a preference or liking for certain qualities, which may unduly
influence you to making decisions for the wrong reason. For instance: you
may like a person because he or she is also an Aries like you, and so decide
to go into business together.
- Be aware of reactions due to psychological needs.
If you feel insecure, you may suspect your spouse and start feeling jealous.
Intuition will be completely clouded by such insecurity. Know how to
identify fears, insecurities and needs, and your reactions to situations
because of these needs.
- Be aware of pressures that force you to decide in a certain
For instance, you may be engaged and your marriage has been announced, and
yet you strongly feel that it is not right to go through the marriage. The
pressure of the situation may cover your intuition and force you to enter
into a lifelong mistake.
- Beware of mental laziness.
Some people try to use intuition in order to avoid the drudgery of thinking
out something thoroughly. This is a dangerous mistake. Applied intuition
works best when prior thinking and research has been done.
IV. Nurturing Intuition
- Enter into periodic silence
Intuition flowers when the mind and feelings are silent. A regular period of
silence or meditation can help nurture intuition. Even regularly taking a
solitary walk in the park, without reading or doing anything in particular,
will allow you to be in touch with your inner self, which is the seat of
intuition. The regular practice of correct meditation is the best means of
awakening intuition.
- After thinking and researching about a problem, let go and throw
the question to your higher self.
For most problems and situations, you need to do your intellectual and
physical homework: gather correct data and weigh the situation carefully.
Whether you arrive at a decision or not, after having analyzed it, throw
the question to your inner self by asking yourself: What is the best
solution to this? and let go of the problem for a time. If it is not too
urgent, allow time to let your intuition germinate. And be open to the
hints that intuition tells you. It will take time and experience for you
to distinguish between a feeling and intuition.
- Train yourself in inner listening
Even in small things, you can exercise inner listening: What clothes to wear
for today, whether to bring an umbrella or not, whether to accept an
invitation or not, etc. After mentally weighing the pros and cons, throw it
momentarily to your deep self and enter a moment of silence. Listen to your
innermost self.
- Deepen your understanding of life
Intuition goes hand in hand with maturity. Wise decisions arise from a deeper
understanding of life, including those levels which transcend logical
thinking. Broaden and deepen your philosophy and understanding of life by
reading the time-tested literature on living and spirituality.
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Copyright 1995. Permission to reprint is granted provided acknowledgment is made to:
Peace Center
Theosophical Society in the Philippines, 1 Iba St., Quezon City, Philippines
"If five percent of the people work for peace, there will be peace."