Scotland, Theosophy in

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Theosophy might be said to have had its beginning in Scotland with the arrival there, in 1884, of Henry S. OLCOTT, then President of the Theosophical Society (TS). Olcott’s visit resulted in the formation in Edinburgh, on July 17, 1884, of the first lodge in Scotland named “The Scottish Lodge.” In the early 1890’s factionalism resulted in the Scottish Lodge severing connection with the Headquarters which resulted in its charter being withdrawn and a new lodge was chartered in 1893 named “Edinburgh Lodge.” A lodge was formed in Glasgow and received its charter in 1900.

During the early years, the Scottish lodges were part of the English Section, but in 1910 the Scottish Section was formed and in 1911 the new Section bought 28 Great King Street, Edinburgh, to be used as the National Headquarters and this building is still in use by the Section. In the same year the Scottish Section held its first National Convention in the newly acquired premises with the then President of the TS, Annie Besant, as guest speaker.

By 1951 the Section comprised 20 lodges, but in the years following World War II there was a decline in theosophical activity. In 1983 the charter was withdrawn and the General Secretary was dismissed by the General Council, and in 1994 a Presidential Representative was appointed.

In 1994 two new lodges were chartered at Inverness and Dundee and in 1994 a lodge was formed Meigle, Perthshire. In 1995 the membership was 150.


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