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In the year 1923 in Montevideo, capital city of Uruguay, there existed the Hiranya Branch as part of the Theosophical Society (TS) in Argentina. Due to the efforts of one of the members, a Mr. Geis, it was possible to form the “Centro Libre de Estudios Teosóficos” (Independent Center of Theosophical Studies) and the meetings used to take place in the headquarters of Círculo de la Prensa (Press Center) a very much respected organization. Annie Mennie Gowland, member of the Theosophical Society in Argentina and residing in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, visited Montevideo for the first time in 1921 and her promotional work resulted in a marked increase in those interested in theosophy.
In 1896 an enigmatic person known as Count De Das, visited Uruguay, as recorded in a 1912 issue of a magazine entitled ''Faro Oriental'' (Eastern Beacon). After his visit, the word “theosophy” became known in Uruguay through the foundation of a group known as “Centro Ocultista y Teosófico” (Occult and Theosophical Center). Many intellectuals became members of this group, one of whom was Joaquín Carbonell, born in Spain but working at the University of Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay, as professor of lineal and topographic drawing.
The Besant Branch was created on October 10, 1923, and the first Branch Committee was formed by Luis Vigil as President; Mario Radaelli as Secretary, Francisco Días Falp as Treasurer and additional members, Francisco Alvarez Alonso, Lumen Cabezudo, Carlos de Leon, Alberto Casinelli and H. Casinelli.
About 1896 or 1897, Mr. Carbonell publicly declared he believed in the existence of an occult world, a declaration that shows how much interest existed in the study of Theosophical ideas. By 1900 two Theosophical Lodges and some study centers operated as part of the Argentine Section.
Annie Gowland stayed in the Alhambra Hotel and it was in that same hotel that the meetings took place. Her frequent visits attracted many people and the Bhakti Mārga Branch was founded followed by the Leadbeater Branch. The interest and sincere enthusiasm kept growing and efforts were made in order to reach a total of seven Branches so that an application could be made for a Section Charter; Sophia Branch that had been dormant was revived and the following Branches were formed: Gowland, Morya, Ariel and Gautama.
In 1921, Annie Mennie Gowland, born in England but residing in Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina, started visiting Uruguay to lecture in various parts of the country. In Montevideo, she stayed in the ''Alhambra Hotel'' and gave lectures in its main hall. Consequently, the Bhakti Marga Branch was founded, followed by the Leadbeater Branch. Sophia Branch, which had been dormant, was revived, and the following new Branches were formed: Gowland, Morya, Ariel, and Gautama.
On behalf of all the members of the above Branches, a letter was written on November 7, 1924, addressed to Annie Menie Gowland requesting that a Section Charter be granted for what was to be known as Sociedad Teosofica en el Uruguay (Theosophical Society in Uruguay). The members who signed this request were:  Juan Geis, Luis Vigil, Washington Zarza, Constante Corso, Celia Morleo, Mario Radaelli, Armando Pochintesta, Enrique Dieste, Fernando Casanova and Doroteo De La Sierra.  The letter was sent to Adyar and finally the Charter of the Theosophical Society in Uruguay was issued on January 5, 1925, signed by J. R. Ciria on behalf of the President Annie Besant.
In 1923, the Hiranya Branch of Montevideo operated as part of the Theosophical Society in Argentina. One of its members, Juan Geis, helped to form the “Centro Libre de Estudios Teosóficos” (Independent Center of Theosophical Studies), which met in the headquarters of Círculo de la Prensa (Press Center), a highly respected organization.  
The Charter shows the following list of Branches together with the names of their President:
On October 10, 1923, Besant Lodge was created, whose committee members were Luis Vigil, President; Mario Radaelli, Secretary; Francisco Días Falp, Treasurer; with Francisco Alvarez Alonso, Lumen Cabezudo, Carlos de León, Alberto Casinelli, and H. Casinelli, as additional members.
Hiranya            Juan Geis<br>
On November 7, 1924, members of the above-named Lodges applied to Annie Menie Gowland for a Section Charter as the Theosophical Society in Uruguay. The application was sent to Adyar, and the Charter of the Theosophical Society in Uruguay was issued on January 5, 1925, signed by J. R. Ciria on behalf of President Annie Besant. The Charter listed the following Branches, with the names of their Presidents: Ariel, Mario Radaelli; Besant, Washington Zarza; Bhakti Marga, Enrique Dieste; Hiranya, Juan Geis; Krishna, Fernando Casanova;
Besant             Washington Zarza<br>
Leadbeater, Doroteo De La Sierra; and Sophia, Constante Corso. After many years of activity in a rented place, the members were able to buy an old two-story building in the central part of Montevideo. Although it needed repairs, it accommodated the Section’s library, a hall for public lectures, a kitchen for vegetarian meals, and a back garden. In spite of its present centralization in Montevideo, the Theosophical Society in Uruguay has had, and still has, members who reside in other cities and in the countryside who work to spread Theosophical teachings.
Leadbeater      Doroteo De La Sierra<br>
Bhakti Marga   Enrique Dieste <br>
Krishna             Fernando Casanova<br>
Sophia             Constante Corso<br>
Ariel                Mario Radaelli<br>
Since the celebration of the centennial of the Society in 1975, the work carried out in lodges and through lecturers has transmitted the new spirit in the orientation of the movement which was introduced in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The Theosophical Order of Service has been active, mainly through the regular work of two groups: the Healing Ritual and Circles for Peace. The Theosophical Society in Uruguay or its members have published several magazines, synthesizing culture and spirituality. Theosophical lecturers often come, particularly from Argentina and Brazil. Those two Sections also participate with the Uruguayan Section in holding events in Montevideo as well as elsewhere in Uruguay.
Over the years the Section encountered varying fortunes and the loss of some Lodges due to declining membership. In spite of its present centralization in Montevideo, The Theosophical Society in Uruguay has had, and still has, members who reside in other cities and in the countryside who work to spread the theosophical teachings.
Since the celebration of the Centennial of the Society in 1975, the work carried out in lodges and through lecturers has tried to catch and transmit the new spirit in the orientation of the movement which was introduced in the last quarter of the 20th centuryThe THEOSOPHICAL ORDER OF SERVICE has been active, mainly through the regular work of two groups: the Healing Ritual and Circles for Peace.
In 1975, a weekly radio program broadcast was started reaching almost the whole country and part of Buenos Aires city in Argentina. The name of the program was “For a Better World. After twenty years of broadcasting, the National Committee of the TS took over responsibility for the program, but unfortunately after a short time, that work stopped.
During different periods, the Theosophical Society in Uruguay or its members have published several magazines, some of which have been outstanding as a synthesis of culture and spirituality. At present and as a result of the constant and close relationship with the Argentinian Section, a Mini Bulletin is published in their magazine.
The T.S. Library is considered as one of the most important on spiritual and esoteric topics in Uruguay, receiving requests from many parts of the city and also foreign countries. Members can visit it to borrow books and the general public can use it to read books, free of charge. It has publications from 1895, Theosophical magazines from many parts of the world, special sections in English, French, German, Portuguese and even ''The Secret Doctrine'' in Russian. It has about 5,000 books and other publications collected from 1895 to the present time, audio cassettes containing lectures and music, and a collection of video cassette recordings on Theosophical and related subjects.
Quite frequently, visits of theosophical lecturers, particularly from Argentina and Brazil take place, with whose participation the Section has held events in Montevideo as well as in other places in Uruguay.
After membership declined, the National Section charter, was replaced by a certificate of Regional Association issued on 20 April, 2000. In 2012, only five Lodges remained, meeting regularly once a week, with public lectures on Saturday evenings. The Theosophical Order of Service is active helping the community in several ways, as well as members who face difficult circumstances. The Section also offers classes on vegetarian cooking two days a week. The income from those classes covers the expense of the materials they use. These classes provide cooked food for all who attend them.
Commenced in 1975 by Dolores Gago, a theosophical radio program has been broadcast from a radio station in Montevideo. This program has listeners in several areas in Uruguay, as well as in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the first years, this radio program was on the air with the name “For a Better World,” but later its structure was modified to adapt it to the present times and was renamed “New Mankind.”
Dolores Gago
The Society has a library which is considered one of the most complete on spiritual and esoteric topics in Uruguay. It has about 5,000 books, publications collected from 1895 to the present time, audio cassettes containing lectures and music and a collection of video cassette recordings on theosophical and other related subjects.
Due to the reduction in the membership, on April 20, 2000, the National Section charter was replaced by a certificate as a Regional Association.
© Copyright by the Theosophical Publishing House, Manila
© Copyright by the Theosophical Publishing House, Manila

Latest revision as of 05:02, 28 June 2013

In 1896 an enigmatic person known as Count De Das, visited Uruguay, as recorded in a 1912 issue of a magazine entitled Faro Oriental (Eastern Beacon). After his visit, the word “theosophy” became known in Uruguay through the foundation of a group known as “Centro Ocultista y Teosófico” (Occult and Theosophical Center). Many intellectuals became members of this group, one of whom was Joaquín Carbonell, born in Spain but working at the University of Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay, as professor of lineal and topographic drawing.

About 1896 or 1897, Mr. Carbonell publicly declared he believed in the existence of an occult world, a declaration that shows how much interest existed in the study of Theosophical ideas. By 1900 two Theosophical Lodges and some study centers operated as part of the Argentine Section.

In 1921, Annie Mennie Gowland, born in England but residing in Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina, started visiting Uruguay to lecture in various parts of the country. In Montevideo, she stayed in the Alhambra Hotel and gave lectures in its main hall. Consequently, the Bhakti Marga Branch was founded, followed by the Leadbeater Branch. Sophia Branch, which had been dormant, was revived, and the following new Branches were formed: Gowland, Morya, Ariel, and Gautama.

In 1923, the Hiranya Branch of Montevideo operated as part of the Theosophical Society in Argentina. One of its members, Juan Geis, helped to form the “Centro Libre de Estudios Teosóficos” (Independent Center of Theosophical Studies), which met in the headquarters of Círculo de la Prensa (Press Center), a highly respected organization.

On October 10, 1923, Besant Lodge was created, whose committee members were Luis Vigil, President; Mario Radaelli, Secretary; Francisco Días Falp, Treasurer; with Francisco Alvarez Alonso, Lumen Cabezudo, Carlos de León, Alberto Casinelli, and H. Casinelli, as additional members.

On November 7, 1924, members of the above-named Lodges applied to Annie Menie Gowland for a Section Charter as the Theosophical Society in Uruguay. The application was sent to Adyar, and the Charter of the Theosophical Society in Uruguay was issued on January 5, 1925, signed by J. R. Ciria on behalf of President Annie Besant. The Charter listed the following Branches, with the names of their Presidents: Ariel, Mario Radaelli; Besant, Washington Zarza; Bhakti Marga, Enrique Dieste; Hiranya, Juan Geis; Krishna, Fernando Casanova; Leadbeater, Doroteo De La Sierra; and Sophia, Constante Corso. After many years of activity in a rented place, the members were able to buy an old two-story building in the central part of Montevideo. Although it needed repairs, it accommodated the Section’s library, a hall for public lectures, a kitchen for vegetarian meals, and a back garden. In spite of its present centralization in Montevideo, the Theosophical Society in Uruguay has had, and still has, members who reside in other cities and in the countryside who work to spread Theosophical teachings.

Since the celebration of the centennial of the Society in 1975, the work carried out in lodges and through lecturers has transmitted the new spirit in the orientation of the movement which was introduced in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The Theosophical Order of Service has been active, mainly through the regular work of two groups: the Healing Ritual and Circles for Peace. The Theosophical Society in Uruguay or its members have published several magazines, synthesizing culture and spirituality. Theosophical lecturers often come, particularly from Argentina and Brazil. Those two Sections also participate with the Uruguayan Section in holding events in Montevideo as well as elsewhere in Uruguay.

In 1975, a weekly radio program broadcast was started reaching almost the whole country and part of Buenos Aires city in Argentina. The name of the program was “For a Better World.” After twenty years of broadcasting, the National Committee of the TS took over responsibility for the program, but unfortunately after a short time, that work stopped.

The T.S. Library is considered as one of the most important on spiritual and esoteric topics in Uruguay, receiving requests from many parts of the city and also foreign countries. Members can visit it to borrow books and the general public can use it to read books, free of charge. It has publications from 1895, Theosophical magazines from many parts of the world, special sections in English, French, German, Portuguese and even The Secret Doctrine in Russian. It has about 5,000 books and other publications collected from 1895 to the present time, audio cassettes containing lectures and music, and a collection of video cassette recordings on Theosophical and related subjects.

After membership declined, the National Section charter, was replaced by a certificate of Regional Association issued on 20 April, 2000. In 2012, only five Lodges remained, meeting regularly once a week, with public lectures on Saturday evenings. The Theosophical Order of Service is active helping the community in several ways, as well as members who face difficult circumstances. The Section also offers classes on vegetarian cooking two days a week. The income from those classes covers the expense of the materials they use. These classes provide cooked food for all who attend them.

Dolores Gago

© Copyright by the Theosophical Publishing House, Manila

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