
  • “The Duty of Saving our Ecological Heritage.” Lecture by Atty

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    . Tony Oposa to the Logos Lodge meeting of SATURDAY, November 5, 3:00 P.M

  • “Mindfulness and Loving Kindness Meditation Retreat” by Venerable Sujatha, January 6, 2017, Golden Link College, North Caloocan City, 9am – 12pm
  • Lecture on “Healing Through Loving Kindness Meditation by Venerable Sujatha, January 8, 2017, Soliman-Raja Lodge
  • Public Lecture on “The Art of Happiness” by Venerable Sujatha, January 8, 2017, Theosophical Society HQ, 5-7pm
  • “Introduction to the Secret Doctrine,” Vic Hao Chin Jr., Lecture via Skype to Godea Lodge, March 12, 2017

Course on Introductory Theosophy

  • Basic Theosophy Study Group,  Logos Lodge; every first and third Saturday of the month, 3 pm

Course on Comparative Religion

  • Course on Comparative Religion, May 29 & 30, 2017, Iligan City

Self-Transformation Seminars

  • January 6-20, 2017, Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai, India
  • February 19, 25, 26, 2017, TSP Headquarters
  • April 21-23, 2017, Nairobi, Kenya
  • June 25-30, 2017, Kreivila, Finland
  • July 1-5, 2017, Kreivila, Finland


  • “Rumi,” an evening of Sufi Poetry Reading, March 12, 2017, 5pm, TSP National Headquarters